What is biodynamic viticulture and why is it sometimes associated with dark magic or the occult? What’s behind the rise of English wines and how did two specific vineyards inspire a dark wine-drenched novel?
Over glasses of Pinot Noir and Rosé, wine writer Natalie Maclean talks to author J.F. Penn on the Unreserved Wine Talk Podcast about her folk horror novel, Blood Vintage, set in an English vineyard.
You can watch above or here on YouTube, listen to it on your favourite podcast app, or read the transcript below. We discuss:
- The rise of English wine, and how Woodchester Valley Vineyard in the Cotswolds, England, inspired the idea of a folk horror novel
- Biodynamic viticulture and how it plays such a huge part in terroir, and why Limeburn Hill Biodynamic Vineyard in Chew Magna, England inspired more the story
- Folklore and sensual writing, evoking a sense of place
- Exploring folk horror, and how far people will go for that special taste
- Wine and architecture
- Kickstarter, special editions, and the importance of beautiful packaging for what lies within — both for wine and books
You can find Blood Vintage at JFPenn.com/bloodvintage, and you can find Natalie at NatalieMaclean.com with articles, wine pairings and the Unreserved Wine Talk Podcast.